منيرة الربعي
A Gulf Abridged
In 2016, Kuwait participated in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia with a pavilion titled Between East and West: A Gulf. The pavilion, commissioned by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL), looked beyond the shores of Kuwait and argued in favor of a masterplan for a united Gulf. By presenting the untold history of the Gulf and proposing an alternate future with contributions from young architectural practices, the Kuwait pavilion shone a light on the 300 islands of the region and the possibilities they hold for an alternate future.
On January 14, 2017, the NCCAL hosted a symposium with the goal of continuing the discussion which began in Venice. The symposium on the Biennale featuring presentations by the Kuwait pavilion team as well as talks given by the contributing authors and designers was held in Al Shaheed Park in Kuwait City.
من مايو حتى نوفمبر ٢٠١٦، شاركت الكويت في معرض العمارة الدولي الخامس عشر في البندقية بجناح تحت عنوان "الخليج ومحيطه". جناح الكويت في المعرض نظر إلى ما بعد سواحل الدولة فقدم مخطط لخليج مشترك من خلال إبراز تاريخ غير مروي عن المنطقة وإقتراح مستقبل بديل وقدم الخليج ككيان فريد منتمي لا للسواحل الشرقية او الغربية ولكن كمساحة من جزر تحدد طابع المنطقة وتوفر أكبر إمكانية للمصالحة.
Symposium Schedule
10:00 am - 10:15 am | Opening Remarks
Zahra Ali Baba
10:20 am - 10:40 am | Pavilion Overview
Hamed Bukhamseen, Ali Karimi
10:45 am - 11:25 am | Presenting Pavilion Research
Graphic Design - Fahad Alhunaif
Island Histories - Saphiya Abu Al-Maati
Gulf Mapping - Nada Al Qallaf
Pavilion Design - Yousef Awaad Hussein
11:30 am - 12:45 pm | Presentation of Written Contributions
Noor Boushehri
Rand Abdul Jabbar
Fatma Al Sahlawi
Abdulatif Al Mishari
Conversation with Muneerah Alrabe
1:00 pm - 2:30pm | Lunch Break
2:30 pm - 4:45 pm | Presentation of Design Contributions
Studio Bound
Design Earth
AGi Architects
ESAS Architects
Panel Discussion
Closing Remarks